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Electrical Van Wraps for Electricians | Tradify™

Written by Team Tradify | Mar 21, 2023 5:22:53 PM

Looking for new ways to grow your electrical business? Your work vehicle is prime real estate for marketing your business while you’re on the go. With the right vehicle signage, you may be able to attract new customers and get more brand recognition — even when you’re parked up on the side of the road. To make sure it’s a worthwhile investment, here’s what you need to consider before you settle on a design.

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1. Talk to your client

Start by figuring out who your ideal client is and what they need from you. When you understand their needs, you can design something that catches their attention and really resonates. For example, if your clients are premium property developers, you might want to consider a more sophisticated and professional-looking design. On the other hand, if your clients are young couples or families, using a more out-there, humorous design could be more effective. 

Need ideas for a good business name? Check out our Electrician Business Name Generator tool. 

2. Stand out from the crowd

Your electrical business will have unique selling points that set you apart from your competitors. For example, you may specialise in customised lighting, green energy solutions, or even electric vehicle (EV) charger installation. Whatever it is, highlight your speciality rather than making the van wrap too generic. 

A standout wrap should feature unique designs and creative messaging, as opposed to basic graphics and simple text that blend into the traffic. By emphasising your point of difference, potential customers will know why they should call you over someone else. 

3. Choose the right style for you

There are a few different types of wrap you can get. What you choose will depend on the amount of information you want to display and your budget. 

Here are the best options for electrical vans:

  • Full wrap - This would cover the entire surface of the van, including your windows. A great option if you have a lot of information you need to showcase, as it gives you a huge blank canvas for the design. 
  • Half wrap -  Covering around 50% of the vehicle, a half wrap makes a big impact without costing too much. You'll have enough space to showcase your logo, information and a few key services. 
  • Door logo - A door logo is a low-cost way to get your branding out there, perfect if you just want your customers and other tradespeople to recognise who you are and that you’re in a work vehicle. 

Obviously, the price of these services will vary depending on the type of wrap you’d like to have done. So, get a quote and decide from there. Here are some trade directories you could use to find a local wrapping specialist:

4. Don’t forget key info

As an electrician, there are a couple of key pieces of information that you’ll want to include somewhere on your van wrap:

  • Key services - As we mentioned before, it’s essential to highlight your services so the right customers know to contact you. 

And here are some optional bits of information that also work well:

  • Credentials - Consider adding any special electrician certifications or licences to your design. This will help boost your credibility. 
  • Call to action - To make your design more engaging, use a call to action like this — “For a free consult, give Sam a call today.”

5. Don’t forget road etiquette

First impressions go a long way, so once you’ve wrapped your van, be mindful of your behaviour on the road. If you have a van wrap, driving erratically or irresponsibly will only serve to impact negatively your reputation. Always try to be courteous, drive within the speed limit, and if you have staff, make sure they know the rules too.  

6. Get your electrical business rolling

If you follow these tips and apply a successful wrap to your van, then you might start to see more and more enquiries roll in. Don’t let this influx of new business get on top of you. With Tradify’s all-in-one job management tool, you can handle everything from scheduling, invoicing, and job reporting on the go with one easy-to-use app.

Sign up for a 14-day free trial of Tradify or pop over to one of our live demo webinars to see the trade business management app in action.