How to Manage Subcontractors in Construction

by Team Tradify, August 24, 2023

Hiring a subcontractor is a big step in any tradesperson’s career. It means you’ve started your own construction business, are bringing in the work, and need more help on the tools. But where do you begin with hiring subcontractors? Whether you’ve been in the business for a while or you’re new to the game, hiring and managing subcontractors takes planning and work.

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Short on time? Skip ahead!
1. Getting started as an employer
2. Find the right person 
3. Update your job management software
4. Use Tradify's Connections feature
5. Look after your subcontractors 
6. Subcontractor management for your construction business

1. Getting started as an employer 

Contracting, subcontracting, apprentice, self-employed – what’s the difference? Before you take on a subcontractor, it’s a good idea to figure out the terminology and kinds of employment, and understand the apps and software that will help run your business. Our guides can help you do just that: 

2. Find the right person 

Finding the right fit for your company can be harder than it looks. Whether you’ve located your potential new contractor through a construction industry association, online or through your social media, there are a few things to consider:

  • Qualifications and skill 
    You don’t have to choose the absolute top of the trade, but you want to make sure your new subcontractor is fit for the job. Ask for photos or reviews of their previous work so you know their skill and attention to detail are up to your standards. 
  • Value for money 
    Taking on a subcontractor is a big investment that could make or break your business, so you want to ensure they’re worth what they charge. Remember that cheap isn’t always best, and you might want to pay more for someone who will add more value to your business reputation.
  • Strong work ethic
    Look for someone as passionate about their craft as you are, who wants to work hard and who’ll add great value to the culture and professionalism of your business. 
  • Good personality fit 
    You could be working in close quarters with your new subbie, so it helps if you can share some common ground. 

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3. Update your job management software  

When your business is running smoothly, you’ve got solid ground to bring in a subcontractor. But having systems in place to make their jobs simple means they’ll enjoy working for you, so there’s more chance they’ll stick around. Tradify helps subcontractors manage their workload and makes your life easier with everything from scheduling to invoicing all in one place.  

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4. Use Tradify’s Connections feature 

With Tradify Connect, you add people to your account for free. It lets you invite subcontractors to appointments, store contact details, and create in-app connections with other users. It gives your subcontractors access to all the job information, keeping them informed and feeling like part of the team. It’s also easier to manage jobs with newbies.

Adding a connection through Tradify web scheduler

5. Look after your subcontractors 

No good subcontractor will stick around if they don’t feel valued. A huge part of managing your subcontractors in construction is looking after them: pay them fairly and on time, check in regularly to see how they’re doing, and ensure your construction health and safety are up to scratch. 

6. Subcontractor management for your construction business

To run an efficient construction business, you’ll need a strong work ethic, a good marketing plan and job management software like Tradify to streamline everything from quoting to scheduling jobs. When you’ve got more work coming in than you can handle, you might also need a great subcontractor. That may seem daunting, but with a few simple tools like Tradify up your sleeve, you’ll get everything set up and running so you can grow your business.  

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