Meet a Tradifier - Curtis (Founder)

by Team Tradify, March 26, 2020

Tradify CEO and Founder Curtis

With over 13,000 users across 6 continents, the Tradify team continues to grow. So we thought it was time we took you for a tour of our own “Tradify toolshed”.

Enjoy our new Meet a Tradifier series as we chat with members of the team to learn a little more about who they are and what they do at Tradify.

We kicked things off by sitting down with Tradify Founder, Curtis.

Who are you and where do you consider your hometown to be?:
I'm Curtis Bailey, from Rotorua originally - but I’ve been in West Auckland since I was 5.

Why did you start Tradify?
I wanted to create a place where I could be surrounded by smart people who are passionate about doing their best work. I like problem solving and I also wanted to achieve something significant and that has been helping tradies to improve both their business and their personal lives.

What do you do at Tradify?
I make sure that Tradify has a good strategy and then I make sure the team is set up to execute on that strategy. I’ve also become a capsule for whatever isn’t in someone else's job description. For example - I organised our company Christmas party last year!Tradify team Christmas photoHow has your role changed since you started Tradify?
As Tradify has grown, a big change has been transitioning from figuring out how I do things well on my own, to figuring out how to build a team of people who do things well. Individual people can’t scale, so if you want to grow you need to work out how you can build a team to help you. I’m super proud of the team we’ve built at Tradify.

What’s the best thing about working on a product for tradies?
I love how honest and straight up tradies are. They’re never shy about telling us exactly how they think we’re doing and what they think we need to do next, or differently. I love that!

What is your top priority right now?
Well this has suddenly changed. Last week my priority was working on our plan for the new financial year - making sure we continue doing everything we can to help more tradies around the world get their lives back.

Now, it’s making sure that the Tradify team is safe and supported as we all work from home and working with the team to support our customers in any way we can during the COVID-19 crisis.

What’s the most memorable feedback you’ve received from a Tradify customer?
There is one piece of feedback that I don’t think I’ll ever forget. We were once told by the wife of a tradie in Australia that she divorced her husband because he didn’t want to use Tradify - though, I think there might have been more to it than just that!

What are you most excited for over the next 12 months?
We’re going to be doing a lot of hiring this year. I’m really excited to see all the smart people and different personalities that will be joining our team here in Auckland as well as our UK office.

Finally, some quick fire questions:

Cats or Dogs?
Dogs, 100%

Sand or snow?

In my downtime I like to….
Cook! I’m pretty diverse but especially like meat. I really enjoy making meals to enjoy with others.

My DIY skills are...
Pretty handy. For example, I’ve built a covered wooden deck. But I’ve done enough to know my limitations so I know when I need to get a quote & pull the experts in.

If I was a tradie I would be…
I’d probably go back to being an electrician. I think the role electricians will have in the future with the expansion of business and technology is going to be very important.

My favourite holiday was to…
Either New York City or Phuket - loved the food at both. One of those places was a bit more affordable...

New York City skyline

The last song I added to the Tradify Spotify playlist was….
Queen. They’re high on the rotation after going to their concert, so any of their songs.

Five Queen CDs

My favourite Tradify dog is…
The one that looks like a sheep (Tommy).

My secret productivity hack is…
Categorising everything into 2 lists - strategic or tactical. Tactical lists are more your day to day tasks like replying to emails. Strategic lists are thinking about what we need to do long term. It’s important not to be ruled by the tactical and always remind yourself to take a step back and be conscious of the bigger picture. That helps me prioritise my decisions and keep everything sustainable.

Want to give Tradify a go?

Curious about how Tradify can improve your trade businesses processes? Check out our 14-day Free Trial or jump on one of our 30-min live demo webinars to see Tradify in action.

Stay tuned for our next blog as we profile another member of the Tradify team.

Tradify tea photo in the NZ office

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